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Maisie Williams isn't sorry for spoiling 'Game of Thrones'

2024-07-27 12:31:45      点击:595

Warning: This post about Game of Thronesspoilers contains Game of Thronesspoilers. 

Twitter is dark and full of spoilers, as Game of Thronesfans know all too well.

So if you love the show enough to follow Maisie Williams' delightful Twitter, it's best to avoid her entirely until you're all caught up, as one fan learned directly from the girl herself.

SEE ALSO:Arya Stark's miraculous recovery did not convince a cynical Internet

Williams, who has been dealing with the torture of holding in in Game of Thronesspoilers for months, tweeted a triumphant message. 

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But to some fans, the tweet felt exactly like a knife in the stomach. 

And so Williams dispensed some invaluable advice that is useful in a lot of scenarios that don't even have to do with Game of Thronesspoilers. 

All men must log off. 

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